FRIENDSHIP DAY SPECIAL-types of friends you must have met - RelationshipTips - The feed you need

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Saturday, 4 August 2018

FRIENDSHIP DAY SPECIAL-types of friends you must have met

types of friend

Friendship-this word is something which brings a smile on our faces, whether we are heartbroken, depressed, stressed-out or have any other problem the first thing which comes to our mind as a solution to the above problems is - FRIENDS.

FRIENDS are like spices to our biryani, cheese to our pizza, diesel for our car(life). Don't you agree? So today on the friendship day we are going to share with you the types of friends which most of you must have had at some point in life.


A jugad for everything- this friend never lets you face a problem alone whether the problem is financial, exam related or love life whatever it may be, this friend have a "jugaad". Even he can get you a temporary girlfriend when needed. This is the power of a jugaadu friend.


Every group has at least one friend who belongs to UP or Bihar. Agree? ThisUP/BIHARI friend always makes you laugh with his hilarious funny tone of speaking. No matter how sad you are, he's the one who always makes you laugh out loud and kick the ass of your dilemmas.


The "shaana" friend who has some cleverness as god gift, a master in fooling teachers, fooling parents and can even fool you at times.


Not a single gang in a school or college lacks this kind of a guy who behaves as a macho don and dominates everyone, A low waist pant, first two buttons of the shirt are useless as he never buttons them up, and walks as he is the next "Dawood".


types of friend

Mad after girls, this friend never lets you sleep in peace, he can even call you at 2 am and narrates to you his sad, torturing love stories. Yeah I know you must be having one of this kind, do not forget to share this with him.


The one who loves to play the guitar and also loves to have a gathering of girls around her. Something in which he never fails is impressing girls with his talent. He do have a large number of haters as well.


types of friend

How can I forget this special species who need a special treatment, chances are even you might be this Girls can forget their boyfriends while going out for a party but never forgets to take a selfie.


 The friend who is a gold medalist or must have done P.hd in shyness. This type of friend never dares to utter a word in front of teachers, parents and of course when the crush comes before him.


types of friends

I hate this one,in fact you all too must be hating this kind of friend ever since this one entered your life. Getting more marks in assignments, compliments in front of parents by teachers on PTM, getting all the special honours- all with his "chamcha girl" talent.


The one who can give you an outstanding piece of advice in your hard times. No matter if this friend has ever had faced the problem you are beholding but he always comes up with an advice which cheers up your life.


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